Train your IQ
There is evidence that by practicing, one can improve on test scores for IQ tests and asseessments. The brains work like a muscle, the perform better when used more often, especially when we are still young. Naturally, intelligence is partially deriving from a gift of birth, but many skills that derive from intelligence can be trained and developed. For that reason, by training one can improve on IQ test scores.Also, there are numerous factors playing a role that are able to influence score results. Think of factors like exhaustion, concentration problems and fear of failure. To prepare yourself optimally for an IQ test or assessment we have several tips for you.
Tips and preparements
- Be fit and well rested before you start your tests;
- Make sure you have a balanced nutricion: vitamins and minerals are important for the brains to perform optimally;
- By excercising regulary the brains get extra blood and oxygen;
- By means of e.g. puzzles one can improve it's spatial insight;
- By practicing one gets more confident and have less fear of failure and/or stress;
- Be prepaired: try to find out which types of IQ tests you can expect;
- Train the different types of IQ tests, this can greatly enhance your scores;
- Practice also on time restrictions, almost all tests are taken with time restrictions;
- Make sure you wear a watch on the day of the test/assessment in order to keep track of time;
- Read the instructions carefully in order to understand exactly what is required from you;
- Calculate generally how much time you have per question;
- Read the questions carefully, this can easily avoid loss of points;
- Work systematically to work through all questions;
- Rather skip questions and save those for the end, than guessing. Though, this depends on the setup of the test;
- Decide to guess? Be sensible and try not to use this approach too often;
- Keep calm and don't panic. Skip questions if you don't know the answer;
- Avoid stress and distracting environments;
- Check your answers again in case you have time left.